Istation Podcasts

Podcast: How to Use Powerful Feedback

Written by Andi Diaz | Sep 10, 2019 7:00:00 PM

Ways to Use Powerful Feedback

Formative assessment data is what drives educational effectiveness. It supports progress monitoring and offers insights on how to differentiate instruction.

Learning how to use data to provide growth opportunities in the classroom is important. At times collecting data can be like stepping on a scale. You can weigh yourself over and over again, but until you do something to change the number you see on the scale, there won’t be any progress.

This analogy can apply to using data in the classroom. Measuring classroom data in and of itself won’t bring about change until teachers feel empowered to use that data on an individual level for their students.

Julie Kalinowski and Sabrina Jones, former educators and current professional development managers at Istation, discuss how data impacts teachers in the classroom. They share ways teachers get a clear picture of student progress without over testing and the importance of goal setting and its role in improving student engagement.


Learn more by downloading our e-book about using data as a powerful tool to give educators the feedback needed to drive instruction and make a way for students to experience success.