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Welcome to the Istation Blog

Save Time with Technology

There’s just not enough time in the day.

How do I fit something else into my already busy schedule?

Let’s add just one more thing to my full plate.

Six Easy Ways to Increase Usage

Looking for ways to increase student usage? As an educator, you know that some days just don’t go according to plan. The best of intentions to deliver a lesson, execute an activity, or allow students time on computers does not mean that there will be time for it in the end.

How Intervention Helped a Failing School Get an A

Amy Stephens, former principal of Bayless Elementary School in Lubbock, Texas, can’t get enough of Istation. Istation has been her top tool in turning around three schools in Lubbock ISD, transforming them from the lowest-ranked schools to top performers.

Small Changes Lead to Big Results

How Small Changes Led to Big Results

Intervention is more than just assessing students throughout the school year. It encompasses giving assessments, identifying areas of struggle, grouping students, planning intervention activities, delivering intervention, and also progress monitoring.

Set a Goal and Go After It!

How to Set Student Goals with Istation

Setting Istation goals with your students each month is a great practice that will motivate them in new ways. Students will be amazed when they see how they can reach their goals.

Measure Growth All Year Long

Collecting classroom data can be useful throughout the school year to plan lessons, coordinate activities, and maximize student engagement. In a sea of data, it can be hard to pick out which pieces are the most useful for teachers in the classroom.