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Welcome to the Istation Blog

How Strong Leadership and Focus on Data Led to District-Wide Literacy Gains

How Strong Leadership and Focus on Data Led to District-Wide Literacy Gains

When districts lack cohesion year over year due to issues like leadership turnover, poor planning, or lack of focus, students are the ones who suffer. 

Build a PD Plan That Meets Teachers Where They Are

How to Build a PD Plan That Meets Teachers Where They Are

Many e-learning programs like Istation include hundreds of additional resources educators can use to plan out students’ days, strengthen the school-to-home connection, and much more.

Learning exactly how to maximize a program’s bells and whistles can take time, and most educators don’t have much of a margin beyond the scheduled classroom instruction they are tasked to deliver. 

Create a Classroom Data Board

How to Create a Classroom Data Board

Data boards are a great way for teachers to display classroom growth each month. Motivating students with rewards for meeting monthly goals encourages them to take ownership of their learning.

How a Tailored Approach to Reading Cultivates Top Readers

A Tailored Approach to Reading Cultivates Top Readers

Zamora was a kindergartener when she first started using Istation Reading at the Boys and Girls Club of Easton (B&GCE) in Easton, Pennsylvania. Her first ISIP™ assessment scores showed her reading level in the 3rd percentile of readers her age. But today, as a 5th grader who has been using Istation at the B&GCE for over five years now, Zamora is reading at a 7th grade level! Her classroom teacher dotes on her as one of the top readers in the class.

ISIP Oral Reading Fluency is Available in Spanish

ISIP Oral Reading Fluency in Spanish

Istation is excited to announce that ISIP Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) is available in Spanish for elementary students in grades K-5! Developed in partnership with Boulder Learning Inc., this cutting-edge assessment allows students to make recordings of themselves reading authentic, grade-leveled passages, which teachers can review and score at their convenience.

Exceptional Leaders Transform Their District in 5 steps

How Exceptional Leaders Transformed Their District in 5 Steps

Educational leaders are juggling the complexities of distance learning, navigating technology tools, grappling with budget cuts, weighing student and staff mental health, and so much more. And leaders who are committed to best practices — while also being flexible, innovative, and empathetic enough to meet the evolving needs of students, staff, and parents — will be the ones who are able to transform schools during uncertain times.