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Welcome to the Istation Blog

Teacher Time Savers: Stations

At Istation, we recognize that no resource is more valuable to a teacher nor as hard to find! as time.

Four Strategic Moves to Implement Istation and Motivate Students

4 Ways to Implement Istation and Motivate Students

When Ms. Dillon realized the students at Horace O’Bryant Middle School weren’t enthusiastic about another tech tool in the classroom, she took matters into her own hands. Since then, the students have not only been more engaged and motivated to use Istation, but they’ve also started begging her to see their progress.

What’s the secret to her success? Ms. Dillon said, “We made four strategic moves that brought us from the bottom to the top.”

Teacher Time Savers: Morning Work

There’s just not enough time in a day.

I Have My Small Groups...Now What? How to Use Istation Data to Drive Small Group Instruction

My last blog entry was “How to Use Istation for Effective Small Group Instruction.” It seemed to really resonate with you, as it quickly became one of our most-read posts. After I wrote it, I began reminiscing a little more about the moments of joy, confusion, and exhaustion I felt while embarking on a small group classroom strategy. So, if you took my advice about forming small groups, maybe you’re wondering, “Thanks for helping me, but now what am I supposed to do?” Well, here are a few answers.

How to Help Students Keep Track of Istation Goals

Wendy S. was in her third year of teaching when she decided to try a new way of helping students keep track of their Istation usage goals.

She made sure each child knew their tier and how many minutes they needed to use Istation every week. She explained that the time they spent on Istation would help them become stronger readers.

How an "Istation Fairy" keeps students accountable

A little whimsy motivates students to do their best on Istation!

ISIP™ scores were flat. Students were unfocused. Teachers knew their kids could perform better, but they couldn’t find a “hook” to keep them motivated. Sound familiar? Getting students excited and keeping them engaged are some of the biggest obstacles educators face. For one school, the Istation Fairy did the trick.